Am I Giving Up?

Therapy today was difficult. I still had a lingering migraine, and before my session I nearly had a panic attack because BFF’s mom called me but I missed the call, and when I called her back she didn’t answer. And of course my first thought it, “omg what did I do?” And I’ve been hovering around a 6ish on a scale of 10 when it comes to anxiety, so yeah this bit set me off into a total panic and a freaked out. (When I got home, I found out she’d only called cause Aunt P needed the stroller I have sitting around in my room and BFF’s mom was gonna have me run it out, but, I wasn’t home. So yeah. I panicked over nothing.)

Things went bad when I admitted that I didn’t follow up on the job lead I had. I was supposed to call this cousin’s boss to ask about an opening they have. But I freaked out and didn’t do it because I didn’t know what I was supposed to say or do. I didn’t even know it’s okay to ASK for a job so directly and shit. And I was upset and frustrated because I was like, “I CAN’T ask.” And M sighed and was like, “Then you’re not going to get a job…” And then she asked me if I WANTED a job, and she said she thought that I had but now she wasn’t sure.

And I couldn’t outright say it, but truth is deep down, no. I still don’t want a job. But I NEED one and I HAVE to get one.

M wrote down things on the white board and then asked me which ones feel true. It was stuff like ‘If I don’t try then I won’t fail’ ‘learned helplessness’ ‘self sabotage’ ‘identity made up of perceived deficits’ (or something like that) ‘fear of trying’ ‘not wanting to get better’

I circled the thing about identity and fear of trying. And then I wrote something on the board cause I couldn’t bring myself to say it. But I told her that she keeps saying I can do stuff and she believes in me, but that I can’t control it when I shut down and fall apart. M and I went back and forth writing on the board to each other. She wasn’t letting me sit there feeling sorry for myself. She says I’m choosing to let the anxieties and stuff beat me when I’m not in the therapy room, that it’s almost like a defense to prove that I can’t do things. I was upset… and actually bold enough to write back, “You make it sound like I’m faking it.” She replied that she’s seen me go from and 8/9 down to a 3 in five minutes in the therapy room, but for whatever reason at home I don’t use those skills. I just let myself shut down and fall apart. I curl up in bed and break apart.

“I care too much about you to participate in this learned helplessness.” She wrote down. For a long time I didn’t say/write anything else. Eventually all that was left in me was that I needed to ask, I need to be sure this meant she wasn’t giving up on me… because at some point I’d gotten scared that she was, because she seemed so frustrated with me. She then wrote back on the board some stuff, and that sadness was a better word than frustration and that it comes from it seeming like I’m the one who’s already given up, when she hasn’t.

((Y’all, this is why I suck at blogging and why I obviously still have some issues with ADD. I started writing this around 8pm on 5/30, and then I started clicking through some of my other browser tabs I had open and here I am 10am the next day finally remembering I was in the middle of writing a blog post. Whoops.))

I left the session feeling utterly drained and miserable. I have a lot on my mind and a lot to think about. When I get the chance I might write more to process some of the things swirling around in my head, but I don’t know if I will. I can’t tell you how many times I lay in bed writing blog posts in my head and then never actually write them. I might get out my art journal and try to get some things out that way too. I don’t know.

Landslides Are Apparently Boring

Today I was supposed to see my psychiatrist. I get to the bus stop only to find out the bus isn’t running apparently due to a “landslide”. Me, having only been here a year, forgot that these sorts of things happen when it rains almost nonstop for nearly a week in hilly mountainy areas. The only other way to get to my psychiatrist office would’ve been taking several buses all the way around through downtown then back up into NW, and I wouldn’t have gotten there until nearly noon. It takes like an hour and a half to go the long way about anyway, but I’m sure traffic is a nightmare with everyone having to detour and go through downtown when normally they’d cut through the highway and NW area. So it probably would’ve turned the bus trip into 2 or 3 hours.

I panicked and ran around a bit then finally called my psychiatrist and left him a voice mail explaining I really have no way of getting there. It was completely impossible. He called me back a while later and we rescheduled for next week.

Now that I’m home I got online to check it out, the “landslide” is actually just some downed trees the knocked out some powerlines. I heard landslide and thought it would be something more… dramatic. I’m not FROM HERE. I don’t know what to expect with this stuff. In Florida, the only time I ever heard about landslides was on the news in other other parts on the US when hey were giant avalanches of earth and tress and destruction. Not… a couple trees falling on some powerlines. What.


I’m slowly pulling myself together. Sunday was sucky. I went to therapy, and we ended up going for a walk, since I had so much energy. It seemed to help, gave me something to do at least. Even when my anxiety is through the roof and extremely physical where it’s making me jittery and shaky and restless, and I know it might help to move around to do something with all that anxious energy, my first thought is not to do that. I tend to sit, curl up on myself and try so hard to contain it inside. It just makes me feel worse, but I can’t help wanting to stuff it down and contain it. So we went for a walk, and I just started talking, on and on.

When we got back, M noticed how as soon as we were back in the room I wasn’t talking. That I did most of the talking while we were out on our walk. I do a lot more thinking when I’m in the therapy room, and listening more closely to my thoughts and feelings. When we were walking I do talk more but I feel like I’m not paying as much attention. I’m talking without thinking and I don’t even remember a lot of what I say. I’m distracted taking in everything else around me.

It wasn’t helping that back in the room I was distracted by the loud thoughts of how I wanted to reach out and ask M to sit with me. But I still have a hard time asking for things and it can take me a while to work up the nerve and that can be really really distracting.

But yeah. I got through my mom’s birthday, nothing happened. Now I just need to let it go.

I’m still mostly coming down from Sunday I think. I’m still edgey and having a hard time getting out of bed.

Today Is Going to Suck

Today is not good, not good, not good. I knew it wouldn’t be. The anxiety was building up more and more all weekend. I tossed and turned half the night. I snoozed my alarm half a dozen times while I laid in bed just trying to breathe. All weekend I’ve had the sensation of not being able to catch my breath, and today is the worst. My chest hurts and I find myself gasping, taking short quick breaths. When I notice it I force myself to stop and take slow deep breaths, completely filling my lungs, reminding myself that I can breathe just fine.

Breathing for me as always been the definition between extreme anxiety and full blown panic attacks. For me it’s why I don’t feel like I have that many “true” panic attacks, at least. Because for me panic attacks come when I slip into hyperventilation and lose all control, then everything goes into complete chaos.

So I’ve kept the panic attack at bay so far.

But I’m shaking and dizzy and my chest hurts and my mind is spinning and I’m edgey… and everything is horrible… that tiny bit of control I have is only just enough to keep it all contained.

I need to eat something but I feel like I’m going to throw up. I just want to get on the bus and go to therapy and get this day over with.


Yesterday’s therapy was quite difficult. I’ve been struggling, processing what happened. I’m also itching to dig out my paints and art journal, I might do that later.

First of all, M was proud of me cause over the weekend I admitted to her via text that I’d gotten really mad at her at one point. Before sinking into that withdrawn shut down depressed mood I was in all weekend. Then I took out the star chart she made and showed her how I’d already failed. She took it back and looked at it then smiled, “Good, you got one!” Because I managed to say goodnight to bff’s mom before I went to bed one night. M said something about realizing she’d pushed too hard. I was too overwhelmed by my homework. She made a new chart where all she asked of me was to say good morning and goodnight. That’s intimidating but more manageable. It’s not as daunting a task.

We talked more about smalltalk, and how I felt like it’s a waste of time… While she believes that I really do believe I can’t do these thinks, and that I don’t want to… she knew I was going to find every excuse in the book to justify in my head why I shouldn’t have to. And it being a waste of time was one of them… She agreed that small talk isn’t about what’s being said, but she said it’s about the connection… I didn’t really get it until she asked how I feel when my best friend isn’t talking to me, when she doesn’t say hi to me. I immediately think she’s mad at me. M asked if I think other people feel like that. I’d never really thought about it before. I sort of assumed this was just me being crazy and triggery and codependent and shit. So yeah. I get it. I guess. I still don’t like it.

I admitted that a lot of times this weekend I kept thinking that this is just the way I am, why can’t people just accept it?

M asked how much she can challenge me. She said she’d had a very strong reaction to that.

I, as always, flailed around a bit saying I don’t know, and going back and forth. Torn between wanting to know what she had to say, and completely terrified of what she would say.

Finally she said something along the lines of that that’s what my mom did. Looking back it makes sense why she hesitated to say it because hello, I usually am hyper aware of and strongly reject anything that makes me similar to my mom. But yeah, M went on to say stuff about how I’m here because I want to change… and that also she doesn’t think this is who I am at my core, not really, that I do want connections and stuff.

At some point after that, the subject changed, M brought up how we’ve made a shift in therapy. She said we’ve shifted from processing the past, to working on the now and making changes, but we never really talked about that shift. It kind of just happened. She wanted to know what I thought about it. I didn’t know what to say at first. Cause I had sort of noticed, but I’d felt like I’ve always bounced back and forth between past and present in therapy. I said that it does sort of feel like I’m not… finished processing. That it just feels unfinished.

Then M admitted that she thought focusing on processing the past would be a disservice to me. Because talking about the past, going over what happened, doesn’t change it. It may give new insight and perspective on the past but… I’m not bringing that insight and perspective into the present. She said she thinks I’m comfortable staying stuck in the past, because it’s safe. She said a lot of stuff, but now it’s getting fuzzy trying to remember it all. It was difficult to hear and I wasn’t expecting it.

I don’t remember at what point I started crying. I don’t remember at what point I buried my face in my hoodie and just sat there crying.

I remember M at one point saying, “I think you’re mad at me. I think you don’t like this shift at all…”

But I couldn’t respond. Everything had locked up tight. This has never happened in front of anyone before, it’s only happened when I’m home alone in my room. Where the fear and anxiety get to this point where I’m immobilized by it, frozen, paralyzed. After a while M asked if she could see my eyes, and I managed to peek out from hoodie. She asked what was going on, and I averted my gaze. I felt like I spent maybe 15 minutes struggling to get the words out to explain to her. My throat had closed up- I swear this happens at least once during every session and it’s torture- and I just sat there, opening my mouth but the words wouldn’t come. Every so often I’d get out a meaningless “It’s just…” “It’s like…” but I couldn’t get the rest out. I remember staring at the carpet but not really seeing it. This was worse than any other time in the past because I started to feel like very detached, like someone else had taken over my body, and in some ways almost trance-like. Slowly I started to get the words out one at a time, explaining to her in short simplified terms what was happening to me. I think at times I got stuck repeating a word like a broken record. I told her I couldn’t move. I felt paralyzed. She asked if I meant in this moment, or metaphorically. I said in that moment… though looking back on it, perhaps it was both. M reached out and sat down some index cards in front of me that she’d been writing on, and asked if I could take them. I hesitated a moment before trying to move my hand a little. It took a couple tries but then I reached out and took the cards to look at them. I was starting to feel more like me again. Looking back it’s sort of stunning really… I was so completely shut down… there was little else that would have pulled me out of that for a while yet… but… I really wanted those cards. I’ve kept every single card and note she’s ever written me. I bring them home, “laminate” them with clear packing tape, and keep them in the little wallet thing that holds my bus pass and keys. So that I always have them.

And yeah… fuck. I’m completely exhausted from just writing that up.

The session was almost over after that. I can’t really remember the rest, and I’m too tired to write more. Maybe I’ll finish this later.

Theater Geek Ramblings

*WHINING* There’s going to be a local comunnity theater production of Les Miserables that opens on my BIRTHDAY WEEKEND in August and I want to go see it so bad. But I’m so broke I can’t even afford the $30 ticket. I’m so sad.

(I also secretly wish I could actually act then maybe I’d audition.)

(But I can’t act. And I’m not nearly a good enough singer to play Eponine. Really though, she’s not even my first choice of characters I’d play if I could.)

(… because I can’t play Gavroche. Because I’m an adult.)

(Oh yeah and I’m a girl. Which is why I also can’t play Grantaire.)

I hate everything

TW: self-harm, alcohol

I ran out of distractions so I tried going to bed. As soon as I laid down I started crying. I was so frustrated nd angry. I was pissed off at my therapist. I’ve never been this mad at her. I’m just so sick of her saying I can do stuff when I fucking can’t. I can’t do this.

I wanted to cut so bad. I wanted to make a dozen new scars on my thigh. Why not? No one knows except my therapist. I’m good at hiding it.

That or I want a drink. If there was a way to not get caught I’d sneak some of bff’s mom’s vodka. 4 or 5 shots and I would not give a single fuck about anything anymore. Its a miracle I’m not an alcoholic  because I love that feeling way more than I should. Being drunk is so freeing. God I haven’t gotten drunk in months… I’d give anything for a bottle of vodka. But I’m beyond broke and idk how to get to the ONE liquor store in the neighborhood. That’s something I miss about where I used to live there was liquor stores everywhere it seemed.

I just… feel like such a failure.

I’m sort of at a point where I want to run away and quit therapy… because I can’t stand the way she believes in me… it doesn’t make me feel better… I just feel like I’m letting her down… wasting her time…

I can’t do this. I just can’t.

Social Skills Suck

So in therapy today we talked about my pathetic excuse for social skills. Basically the fact that I’m just extremely awkward and make everyone uncomfortable.

I’m so bad that, I generally don’t do basic stuff like, “Hi/Good morning” with the people I live with. So we wrote down the things you generally say to people in the morning and evening… “Morning” “How are you?” “Any plans today?” “Have a nice day.” “Is there anything I can do to help?” “How was your day?” “Can I help with dinner?” “Good night.” blahblah etc.

And she actually had me practice with her. And I froze at first, and got super frustrated. But eventually I started doing it, practicing with her. I hated every second of it. Though it did kind of get easier…

And then she made a chart, with the things we listed, and days of the week and stuff. And it’s, you know, the sort of childish start chart idea, and if I get 50 things I get some sort of prize… and okay, yeah. I sort of really want to know what the prize is. But I got home today, tried twice and epic failed. And I got panicky and frustrated and just shut myself in my room again.

It doesn’t help that whenever I come out or make a noise the dogs freak out and rush at me and bark and stuff. (I even said that, but M wasn’t taking my excuses…)

It’s just frustrating. And stupid. I hate small talk. It’s awkward and uncomfortable and no one really freaking cares. So why is it rude to not engage in it? Why does it apparently make people feel like shit if you don’t? I don’t get it. And it’s just not something I’m in the habit of doing… my old family never bothered with this kind of interacting… god, there was times I literally went weeks or months without speaking a single word outloud…

Everything would be easier if I didn’t have to do this… I fucking hate this.


So it’s Tuesday. I made it through the weekend and Mother’s Day on Sunday. I made a card for my best friends mom and left it out for her to find. (Because I’m too awkward to actually give it to her.) I had therapy and I actually spent half the session having a good long cry over stuff I talked about in password posts. We talked a little about it being Mother’s Day too, and that I was still anxious that my mom would try to contact me. She didn’t. I know I can’t keep living in fear that she’ll contact me, but I can’t help. Especially this month, with this holiday and her birthday. I’m scared she’ll get triggered and attack me somehow.

After therapy I went home. I wanted to just relax and rest and spend the day to myself. I was sore from running around with kiddos on Saturday, on top of being badly sunburnt, and then the emotional burden of it being Mother’s Day. So I went home and distracted myself with watching more Pewdiepie videos on youtube. He’s my favorite youtuber, watching him play games and be funny and silly is a nice distraction. I also started watching this anime series I haven’t seen since I was a kid called InuYasha. Apparently the entire series is up on Hulu and it’s in original Japanese with subtitles, so yay! It’s fun.

Yesterday I got the beads I ordered. Pretty black webbed jasper, and grey crazy lace agate. So I’m working on making a bunch of bpd awareness bracelets and getting them up.

And yeah…

So it goes…