After the Snow

So I did find the time to enjoy the snow. I went out and walked all over my neighborhood. Walked down to the park under the bridge, watched kids go sledding. Just wandered around all day, eventually going up to meet my best friend when she got off work at noon and walk home with her.

I didn’t build any snowmen, or go sledding (I had nothing to sled with at the time I went out. And then never got the chance. Too bad I have huge cardboard box in my room I need to get rid of, and it would’ve worked. I just didn’t want to lug it down to the park.) But just walking all over in ankle deep snow (deeper in some places!) was fascinating to me. I’d stop every so often and grab fistfuls of snow. It didn’t pack into balls very well, it just crumbled and disintegrated in my hands when I tried. Still just the texture of it was amazing. Light and fluffy.

Seeing my entire neighborhood blanketed in snow was surreal. It was like something out of a picture or movie. When it snowed it was like being inside a snowglobe. It was beautiful and fascinating.

I don’t know if it’s just the fact I’ve never seen it before, or if maybe it was also because there’s nothing else that could make it more concrete and real that I’m thousands of miles away from Florida. But I was captivated by the snow.

I did my best to enjoy it. It was hard cause a lot of times I felt like the only adult who did enjoy it. Adults were annoyed with having to drive in the snow, the bus system being massively delayed, and being stuck inside because the city pretty much shut down.

It doesn’t snow like this except every few years when a big snow storm comes through. It might be snowing a couple times during winter, but it either doesn’t stick or it’s just a dusting. So the city isn’t prepared to handle this stuff, and isn’t very good and getting the roads clear, and keeping the buses and trains running.

I didn’t understand why everyone was complaining about being stuck inside and getting cabin fever by day 3/4 of the snow. I was like, nothing’s stopping you from going out and going for a walk. Yeah, the roads suck. But chain your tires and take it really slow and you should be fine. (I mean, I hate driving, and I might’ve been too scared to drive in this stuff, but… it didn’t seem impossible.) I dunno. I wanted to spend my entire days outside. I’d get home, and just want to go back out, though usually I didn’t.

I dunno. I just didn’t see why everyone was so grumpy about it. Why not get out there with the kids, and enjoy it like they are?


So, it’s been snowing since 11am this morning. There’s like 3 inches of the stuff. And it’s still snowing. I’m sure people are already calling it Snowpocalypse 2014. Cause it never snows like this around here. Everyone on the news is freaking out.

Me? I’m giddy as a little kid. I keep wanting to go back outside and play in the snow. It’s so soft and pretty and there’s so much of it. I want to go to the park and go sledding down the hill. I want to build a snowman. I’ve never seen this much snow in my life and I think it’s the most amazing thing ever.

And I’m trying really hard to hold on to this feeling, in spite of the fact no one else seems as thrilled about it. It’s hard, but I want to enjoy this so much.

I’m going to listen to the soundtrack to Frozen and watch the snow fall. Hee. *sings* Do you wanna build a snowmaaaaaan? C’mon let’s go and plaaaay!