All the Feelings

I volunteer at a Children’s Advocacy Center, with the therapy program. Most of the time I clean the toys in the playrooms and therapists office so they’re ready for the kids to use them in play therapy. Sometimes they have special work for me to do, like getting projects ready, making copies or filing paperwork.

It’s awesome and very calming. I loved working there, and always felt so proud when I finished for the day.

Today was my last day there. I was surprised when they gave me a goodiebag with like a mug and a pin with their logo on it, and candy and some other small things. They also gave me a thank you card, and like EVERYONE who works there signed it and most people wrote like 4-5 sentences thanking me and wishing me luck on my move and stuff.

I was so shocked. I hadn’t expected that at all. I’m still shocked. I don’t know, I guess I never thought about how much they seemed to appreciate me giving them my time and volunteering every week.

It was awesome. It felt so good. And also got me teary eyed. I’m going to miss them and volunteering there. It was so therapeutic.

I’ll probably continue volunteering once I’m settled and get used to getting around the city; I’ve already looked up the local Children’s Advocacy Center in that area and bookmarked the website.

It just, feels so amazing to be appreciated and stuff.

I also had therapy today, and my therapist noted that it shows I’m growing that I was able to accept this stuff and the good things they were saying, instead of being like, “No- wait- I don’t deserve it, I’m not good enough, I’m a terrible person, etc”